Thursday, April 24, 2008

a partial funny

So I was watching an old episode of The Office the other day and Michael Scott and Jan had taken one of their clients, Tim Meadows, out to lunch. Jan wanted to get straight down to business, but Michael had his own idea of how the meeting should be run, beginning with this somewhat dumb, but actually funny joke. (It's a three parter, but I was so amused by the second part, I don't remember the rest.)

There's this guy, and he's an astronaut, so he drives a Saturn.
There's another guy, and he's a pimp, so he drives a cheap Escort.

It's probably better when Michael Scott tells it, but I'm still amused.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

"And the third guy says, 'I got you both beat. I'm a proctologist so I drive a brown Probe.' "

I love Michael Scott!